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Single - but not alone!

Image by Helena Lopes
Image by Matea Gregg

Live your vocation as Single

Jesus was single, as far as we know, and many of his disciples were as well. Living as a single person can lead you to a deep relationship with God and an active life in the Church. You can focus entirely on your relationship with Christ and your service in the world, without having to forego friendships. It is a time of growth, dedication, and an opportunity to discover what God has in store for you.


You can connect people with one another and with God, and proclaim the Kingdom of God in your surroundings. For example, as a catechist or in another ministry in your community. If you have a longing for more, the Church also recognizes specific forms of life in which you can live your vocation as a single person. For instance, as a religious sister or brother, priest, deacon, or consecrated virgin.

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