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Junge Menschen laufen in die Abendsonne

God created you wonderful.


Your talents, your joy, your strength and your love is a unique gift.


Dive into your vocation with followyourvocation and

discover the adventure that God has in store for you!


What is vocation!

Vocation is God's call to you to use your unique talents, abilities, and passions in His service. By devoting yourself to Him and serving others, your life finds purpose and fulfillment.


Following your vocation is not something you do on the side; it influences all aspects of your life: your leisure time, your career, your daily routine, your friendships, your family, and your relationship with God.


By following your vocation, you can fulfill your purpose of serving others and positively changing the world according to God's will.

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What the bible says ...

For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters.


Galatians 5:13

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